Here's how we can help you do that...
We match names and addresses to Social Media accounts integrating digital components into your mailing. It's what we call Mail Works DI.
We give you Direct Mail with all its benefits and add social media components and other digital connections.
We make your message resonate. What used to be a single post card or letter, is now a 30-day campaign all directed the same audience.
Before and after the mail arrives, your customer is being made aware of your offer. Most people will act after 8-12 contacts, and with Mail Works DI you get 8-16 connections and possibly more through the different channels over the 30-day campaign.
You can monitor all the activity in near real time on a personalized dashboard. Monitoring, Reporting, and a true attribution of campaigns results which are updated every few hours?
When you want your message delivered on time, you want Mail Works involved.
We plan everything from Printing and Shipping Schedules to Delivery times to match your deadlines. No matter if you are in New York, Texas, or California, we get it there when you want and expect there.
Mail Works DI is a marketing-based solution that is designed to seamlessly track the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign while enhancing results through the integration of digital platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram and USPS Informed Delivery.
Whatever your needs, we make it happen!
Our products include Wide-Format printing, Heat Transfer, Dye Sublimation, UV Printing, Business Cards, Full Color Envelope Printing, Tent Cards, Yard Signs and Outing Signs for your events, and so much more.
Most items are done in our Toledo office providing a quick turnaround.
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